Methods in Vue js 3 , What are methods in vue js 3 , How to create methods in vue js 3

Methods in Vue js 3 , What are methods in vue js 3 , How to create methods in vue js 3

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Hello developers in this tutorial we will discuss about how to create methods in vue js 

Table of Contents Contents-topics
1 What are Methods
2 Setup new Vue js project
3 Create new Vue js file 
4 Router file
5 Run the Code
6 Output

1:What are Methods

Methods are similar to function in javscript as similar while we are using functions in javascript  , to perform any piece of code by means of any action is known as methods in vue js.

2:Setup new Vue js project

For setting up new vue js project pls consider link given below

3:Create new Vue js file

Create a new vue js view file src/views/Methods.vue 
code for Methods
.vue : Copy

    <h2>Welcome to DeveloperCodez</h2><br/>
    <button v-on:click="showAlert">Click to Show Alert</button><br/>
    <button v-on:click="showValue(20)">Click to Show Value</button>
export default{
        showAlert( )
           alert("This is Called by functions") ;
           alert("Value is "+ val);

4:Router File

If your project don't have default router file consider below post for how to create custom route file in vue js

code for route.js :Copy

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import Methods from '../views/Methods.vue'
const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'Methods',
      component: Methods
export default router

5:Run the project

To check and run the project simply hit npm run dev on the cmd 



Tags: Vue.js 3, Create components, Vue components, Single File Components (SFC), Component structure, Component options, Component , pass data in vue js , pass functions from components in vue js 3 , pass data and functions from components in vue js 3 methods in vue js 3 , what are methods in vue js 3 , how to create methods in vue js 3,Front-end development , vue js tutorial , vue js 3 , vue js 3 tutorial ,,
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